
5 matches that could main event WrestleMania 34

What will be the true main event?
Which match should main event 'The Show of Shows'?

In recent years, WWE has ruined many WrestleMania events by having poor matches to close the show. The main event of WrestleMania should feature the best the company has to offer and should steal the show making the match the most talked about one for months.

The match between The Miz, Finn Balor and Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship could very well be on this list but in my opinion, this match should kick things off at WrestleMania as it can set the tone for the entire event.

Without further ado here are top five matches that should main event WrestleMania 34 according to priority.

#5 Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey vs Triple H and Stephanie McMahon - Mixed Tag Team Match

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Ohh it's True. It's Damn True

Rowdy Ronda Rousey along with Kurt Angle will be competing in a mixed tag match against the power couple Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. The main reason for this match to be the main event of WrestleMania is the amount of publicity WWE would get if they put the mixed tag team match on last. This will be the first time a woman has participated in the main event match at WrestleMania.

Rousey is one of the biggest names going into WrestleMania this year and 2018 could very well be the year of 'The Rowdy One'. But considering all these wrestlers are either currently non-performing, WWE will not give this match priority over other matches on the list.

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