Slammiversary XV results (2nd July, 2017)
Impact Wrestling put on their biggest event of the year, Slammiversary, on July 2. The match card was stacked with some of the best workers of Impact Wrestling. The event led to the culmination of some intriguing angles that had been running for a few weeks.
Slammiversary XV will go down in history as the first PPV of the new era of Impact Wrestling. The show featured some stellar matches with high octane action. The event was headlined by Alberto El Patron and Bobby Lashley. We take a look at all the matches, and their results.
The pre-show featured a mixed tag team match.
#1 Allie, Braxton Sutter and Mahabali Shera vs. Laurel Van Ness, KM and Kongo Kong
Allie and Laurel took to each other even before the bell. Sutter entered the fray and capitalised on KM; soon Mahabali Shera and Kong were in the ring, and Kong downed Shera with a massive headbutt.
Allie soon tagged in and went after Laurel, and hit a dropkick on Laurel for a two count. Allie’s codebreaker was countered by Van Ness. After another exchange between KM and Sutter, Shera and Kong entered the ring. Kong hit a big splash on Shera in the corner but missed out on his second attempt at the move. This sent him crashing over the top and out of the ring.
The match ended when Allie hit the Allie Drop on KM for the win.
Winners: Allie, Braxton Sutter, and Mahabali Shera defeated Laurel Van Ness, KM and Kongo Kong
Robert Flores and Don West joined the commentary for the main show.
A vignette of GFW champion Alberto El Patron and the Impact Champion Bobby Lashley entering the Impact Zone earlier in the day was aired. Also, Paige was spotted in the front row in a mask, however, her identity was revealed after a fan clicked photos of her visitor card that clearly stated her real name.
The show started with a video package of Slammiversary with high moments of the event featuring former stars such as AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Bully Ray.