Stardust wants to eat Stephen Amell's heart? Seth Rollins workout video
- Much has been made of Stardust’s comments saying that he wants to eat actor Stephen Amell’s heart at Summerslam. Cody addressed this in a recent interview with Comicbook.com:
"Well, I don't know the demographic for the site is, so I will keep it PG, but when a man says 'I'm going to eat your heart', it can either mean some metaphorical, whimsical comparative to some sort of beat down that will take place, or correlate something of that ilk. Or, it can simply mean...I'm going to eat his damn heart!"
As seen on Monday’s RAW Triple H gave the green light for a match between the pair at the PPV.
- WWE have uploaded a new video to their Body Series, featuring World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins doing CrossFit. Check it it below: