Steve Austin on reinventing himself, Santino Marella update, more

- Business Insider has a <story and interview here with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who was promoting the new season of Broken Skull Challenge. During the interview, Austin discussed moving on from pro wrestling and reinventing himself to become a reality TV and podcast host.
"It was almost like a maturation process," Austin said. "I said, 'Hey man, it's time to put your suspenders back on, get your ass out to L.A., and get to work.' And that's what I did."
“At the end of the day, I think we all aspire to be successful at what we choose do to do. I was successful in pro wrestling, I’ve been successful in reality television, and I’ve been successful with podcasting. And I’m not bragging, but I’ve done that. So yes, I can honestly say I am as fulfilled now as I was when I was in wrestling,” he added
- As noted earlier, <Santino Marella underwent "semi-emergency surgery" to remove titanium hardware from his last surgery. Santino posted an update on his Facebook, writing:
"Thanx to everyone for all the well wishes, it was successful, close call, but I will be better without that foreign stuff in my body, even though titanium sounds pretty bad ass"
- Comedian Chris Rock appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman last night and gave his take on the Eric Garner controversy, which you can watch above. Rock noted that "even pro wrestling has outlawed the chokehold," and went on to compare WWE to the NYPD.
"So the WWE has better standards than the NYPD," he said. "You can't just choke The Rock... Stone Cold Steve Austin. You can't do that! You can't do that, Dave!"