
Survivor Series 2013 predictions: Possible winners, twists and returns

The WWE is closer than ever to Survivor Series and the company is in full throttle preparations for the biggest pay-per-view after WrestleMania. The storylines have been cooked slowly and steadily, which makes it ideal for them to bring out the fireworks on Sunday. Even though there are barely three active ones, the twists and turns in them will definetly be the major attraction for the pay-per-view. The match card for the event is still processing in the background but here is a look at the possibilities that are likely to happen at Survivor Series.

Ready to steal the show

World Heavyweight Championship – Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena

Doomed by predictability

Now this might arguably be the easiest one to predict as everyone will know that the WWE would want to keep the title on John Cena as long as possible. And keeping in mind that Survivor Series will be held in Cena’s hometown of Boston makes it clear that Del Rio is not getting another Championship run anytime soon. Cena’s feud with Alberto Del Rio has been doomed with predictability and the Mexican is looking no match for the sheer stardom of Cena. The writers also went with a one on one match instead of a triple threat involving Damien Sandow, which could prove costly on the long run. Del Rio has been in the World Heavyweight scene for more than three years now and has made the fans calling for an immediate change and WWE should look into the matter seriously as another rematch at TLC won’t do any good for their PPV buy rates. But one interesting aspect of the match is that, it may give us who Cena’s next opponent will be. The obvious choice would be Sandow but considering the in-ring chemistry between Cena and Antonio Cesaro, we could hope for something extraordinary after Survivor Series.

WWE Championship – Randy Orton vs. Big Show

Not good enough for the title

The feud between Orton and Big Show was never about the WWE title as it was an after effect of the Authority angle involving Triple H. Big Show looked good throughout the storyline as a rebel but that ain’t going to make his the champion at Survivor Series. The introduction of Kane into the mix as a suited office guy will be the most instrumental twist in the match as Kane wouldn’t hesitate to help Orton. And there’s no doubt that Orton will regain the title with a lot of help from the Authority. Triple H wouldn’t want to get his hands dirty in doing so which sets the stage for Kane to unleash the monster within or just hand over a chair to Orton. The sad part of the story however will be the ever decreasing relevance of Orton in middle of all these. Instead of showcasing him as the top heel in the company, Orton was rather treated as a cardboard figure in the background that let Triple H and Big Show steal the spotlight. And the condition looks to continue at Survivor Series though it will be interesting to see if Kane gets back into the ring to do the handiwork for Triple H against Big Show.

Wyatt Family vs. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan

Primary attraction

Most exciting from the lot, the feud has seen a fair amount of twists already. A 6 on 6 traditional matches was teased first which looked certain to happen until the official announcement. Then a dream match between The Shield and The Wyatt family was teased, which also went nowhere. And add the absence of Bray Wyatt inside the ring and what we have will be the main event of Survivor Series. It’s actually weird why the WWE won’t allow us to see more of Bray inside the ring. But his presence outside will be a boost for the match simply because of the unpredictability his gimmick possesses. A result other than a win for the Beard and the Beast is unlikely to happen unless the writers decide to give a mega push for the Wyatts. Bray is certain to pick up a new feud with someone but it is to be seen whether he’d go for Punk or Bryan. We could also see another major twist as Punk and Bryan could turn against eachother with the psychopathic Bray adding fuel with his mind games. Keeping their Indie history in mind that is a match that would happen sooner or later but Survivor Series would be an ideal stage to kick off a new rivalry.

Other possible twists

The WWE is still yet to book a traditional tag team match for the pay-per-view and the Shield looks certain to be in the cards if there is to be one. The trio has been closer than ever to a much anticipated face change and Roman Reigns showed signs of a great baby face when he silenced Orton on Raw. The turn of The Shield is heavily rumored throughout the business and Survivor Series could be the place where they move aside for Wyatt family to become the top heel stable in the company.

Turning face ?

Big E Langston could finally get his hand on some gold if he isn’t involved in any tag team matches. His new baby-face gimmick went well with the fans and it would be the right time to make the big guy a champion.  Meanwhile, AJ Lee has been picking up defeats recently and should drop her Divas championship at the pay-per-view with Natalya being the most likely new champion. The Rhodes brothers, The Usos, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Curtis Axel all looks set to feature in a traditional tag team match as the company would need at least one such match to carry on the tradition.

Most likely return

And as a cherry on top who would love to see someone make a return to the WWE scene? Mark Henry’s return has been teased in the WWE website and he could go straight into his feud with Cena which would answer a lot of questions. Hulk Hogan is also on the cards for a return but it’s unlikely to happen in Survivor Series as it’s more of a WrestleMania thing. Brock Lesnar is believed to be in cards for a return soon and the recent attacks on Paul Heyman suggest no different. And above all a certain Shawn Michaels was knocked out by Daniel Bryan the last time we saw him and it wouldn’t be long till he makes an epic return. To sum up Survivor Series might not have the charm it had in the old days but the pay-per-view still has some moments that will be worth waiting for.

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