
Talking Smack Recap (18th June, 2017)

WWE Hall of Famer Booker T joined Renee Young to host Talking Smack

Renee Young was joined by Booker T for the Money in The Bank edition of Talking Smack. Renee and Booker discussed how first timer Baron Corbin rose to the occasion to become Mr Money in the Bank.

The duo then shifted to the topic of James Ellsworth climbing the ladder to win the Money in The Bank match for Carmella. Booker still made the case that the match was groundbreaking, being the first of its kind. Renee mentioned that it just didn’t feel right to see Ellsworth grab the briefcase after all the hard work the women put in the ring.

#1 Naomi

Naomi made her way to the set. Booker T asked her about the submission move using which she made Lana tap out earlier in the night. Naomi called it the FTG (Feel The Glow). The champ took issue with Booker T picking on her during the pre-show.

They continued with their banter before shifting to the issue of Carmella threatening to cash in that night itself.

Naomi said that she would be the champion even if Carmella had cashed in. Booker put over Naomi as perhaps the most talented female worker in the locker room. Renee pointed out that Naomi was at a great place in her career.

Naomi spoke openly about the Money in The Bank match, stating that everyone should have been allowed someone to help them. Booker T clarified that the match was contested under no disqualification, anything goes rules which legalised Ellsworth’s interference.

Booker ended the segment with a song titled, “She’s got the glow.” Naomi issued a warning to Carmella and James Ellsworth before leaving the set.

Renee confirmed that Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan would address the issue of the Women’s Money in The Bank match. Renee also confirmed that Daniel Bryan would be on Smackdown LIVE this Tuesday.

#2 Jinder Mahal

Jinder Mahal interrupted Renee and Booker T and announced that the WWE Champion had arrived. Mahal wished a Happy Father’s Day to Booker T and also to Cowboy Bob Orton.

All of them looked at the footage from Jinder’s match with Randy earlier in the evening. Mahal pointed out that he had ring awareness and got his foot on the rope before the Singh brothers interfered. Jinder mentioned that the Singh Brothers were just informing the referee that his foot was on the rope.

Jinder misquoted Randy Orton as a 14-time champion (Randy is a 13-time champion) and declared that Orton was past his prime. Mahal said that he worked the hardest in the WWE and the day someone outworked him, he would gladly hand over the title to that person.

Booker T asked Mahal about his opinion of the American people. Jinder took the opportunity to say that his story is one of determination and zeal. He pointed out that he went from being in 3MB to being fired and then returning to claim the WWE Championship.

Renee asked him why he felt the American people booed him and Jinder replied that it was due to jealousy and due to the color of his skin. Booker T awkwardly changed the topic and spoke about Baron Corbin.

Jinder declared that even Baron Corbin could not outwork him. Jinder then spoke about how 1.3 billion people in India were rejoicing in his victory and addressed his people in his native tongue of Punjabi.

#3 Baron Corbin

Corbin thumbed his briefcase on the table to announce his arrival. Jinder and Corbin got into a tense staredown and the champ left the set. Talking about hard work, Corbin claimed that it was necessary only for those that didn’t have talent.

Corbin stated that he didn’t need abs to break Mahal in half. Corbin defended his attack on Nakamura saying that he took too long to reach the ring and he did not have that much time. Booker T tried to get Corbin’s strategy for cashing in the contract.

Corbin stated that he enjoyed the idea that the champion would be nervous about him being right around the corner looking for that opportunity to cash in. Corbin made it clear that the champion should keep his head on a swivel because he would pounce on the champ at the first opportunity that came his way.

Booker T was impressed by Corbin’s attitude and said that it felt like a new champion was on the way.

Baron Corbin emphasized that Tuesday would be an important night in Smackdown LIVE history and left the set. The hosts announced once again that General Manager Daniel Bryan would be on Smackdown LIVE this Tuesday and ended the show.

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