
Talking Smack Recap 12/27/16

Ambrose said that he is not Young’s daddy!

The last Talking Smack of the year began with Renee Young introducing us to John Bradshaw Layfield, her co-host for this episode of Talking Smack. The two discussed the monumental feat American Alpha achieved earlier tonight, which saw them winning the Tag Team gold.

JBL admitted that he was surprised when the young duo managed to beat the Wyatt Family, as he thought the latter were going to hold the title for a foreseeable future.

The first guest for the night, John Cena walked in. He claimed that it feels good to be back on SmackDown and also in Chicago, the place where his journey as a professional wrestler began. He noted that the Chicago crowd is extremely passionate and also very vocal about their opinions.

JBL asked Cena about the negative remarks he made about The Rock being a 'part timer' and pointed out he himself is considered one now. Cena stated that the things he said about The People’s Champ were some of ‘the stupidest things that have ever come out of his mouth’, and apologised for it.

He admitted that everything that he said at that point was to get The Rock back in WWE and to his credit, it did work. He acknowledged the legacy the Brahma Bull has left behind and claimed that he has nothing but utmost respect for the man.

The conversation shifted to his apparent displeasure over the allegations of him being upset with WWE.  He stated that he wants to capitalise on the other realms of the entertainment industry as well, and added that WWE will always be his home.

He said that he is upset with the looks that other Superstars give him and treat him like he has already left the company. 

The Phenomenal One interjected and said that the handshake was about belittling him. He felt that it was just to punk him into believing that Cena respected him. Styles then claimed that he has Cena’s number and has already taken his best shot, a statement which was contradicted by Cena, as he claimed he came right back after a shoulder injury.

Cena then added that the handshake was a show of respect.

Styles and Cena then spoke about their forthcoming match at Royal Rumble for the former's WWE Championship. Styles said that Cena just knows how to talk and cannot back his words against him. He added that he'd do the thing that he is best at, beat Up John Cena! And then walked off.

Cena admitted that 2016 was the year of The Phenomenal One but the new year would begin with a clean slate. He also added that his primary focus was to earn back the respect of the fans and other Superstars and winning the title for the 16th time was the least of his concerns.

Cena claimed that his career is not over yet, as he is just warming up. He also stated that he has no intentions of going anywhere and claimed that he stronger and more focused than ever.

JBL then questioned Cena, if he was the same person who debuted more than a decade ago. Cena told him that he isn't, as the earlier version of him was fueled by ruthless aggression and experience has given him a valuable insight. He added that it is no longer the New Era but 'My Time is Now' Era.

The next guests for tonight's Talking Smack were the new Smackdown Tag Team Champions American Alpha. 

Jason Jordan and Chad Gable beamed as Young and JBL congratulated them for their achievements earlier in the night. They said that they are very excited going forward. Jordan is from Chicago and his parents and niece were present in the first row and they witnessed him achieving the massive feat first-hand.

Gable said that his family was also present but he was most proud of his one-year-old daughter being there.

Jordan stated that he was happy to have beaten the Wyatts and insisted that it was a long time coming, as they had already been the No. 1 contenders twice. JBL then joked about their ‘Ready, Willing, and Gable’ catch-phrase, which according to him sounded stupid.

He told the duo to accept that they were badasses and insisted that they should drop the whole charade. JBL added that he loved them but the catchphrase needs to go. American Alpha left after stating that there will be no more of that catch phrase.

Young and JBL then spoke about the Women’s Championship match. The former asked JBL if he had any guesses as to who the elusive Luchadora was. After a brief history lesson, JBL ultimately admitted that he had no idea who the Luchadora was.

JBL also spilt his thoughts on Alexa Bliss and said that she is doing an incredible job as Champion. The duo also raised their concern over Bliss’ arm, as it looked like it popped out of its socket. JBL and Young also expressed their amazement over Bliss still managing to cover Becky for the pin.

The final guest of the night, Dean Ambrose then walked in. He said that he looked good in a security shirt, despite JBL saying he didn’t. JBL insisted that he should get a haircut as he looked like someone who just walked out of the trash can. The statement did not amuse The Lunatic Fringe, as he claimed that he'd slap the p**s out of him. 

Ambrose stated that nobody should make him upset and it was the reason The Miz would face his wrath.

JBL then took a subtle jibe at Ambrose and Young's not so secretive relationship and asked the former for his comment over Young slapping the Miz. Ambrose blatantly stated that it was The Miz's fault.  JBL further him, if he considered their relationship a conflict of interest. It was quickly brushed off and Ambrose added that The Miz should learn not to anger women. 

Dean Ambrose ended the show by saying that during his Intercontinental Championship Match he is going to knock the Miz’s Vanier’s down his throat. 

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