
10 best matches at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn

The best matches at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn
Three blockbuster events - which were the best matches of them all?

NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn might have only been around for a few years, but in that short period of time, it has built up a reputation as one of the best shows on WWE's calendar. Every year since its inception, it has outshined SummerSlam, which takes place the next night. In fairness to the main roster, last year's SummerSlam gave TakeOver a run for its money, with its two outstanding tag team title matches and one of the best main events in its history.

This year, however, looks like it will be a no-contest. NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn IV will be better than SummerSlam from top to bottom, even with Aleister Black's catastrophically timed injury.

There's a reason why NXT's biggest show has gotten to where it is. Despite having only three editions up to now, it has a catalogue of matches that would stack up well against any pay per view collection in WWE history. As TakeOver: Brooklyn IV approaches, let's look back at the top 10.

#10 NXT Tag Team Championship: The Authors of Pain (c) vs. SAnitY (NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III)

Authors of Pain vs. SAnitY NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III
A chaotic changing of the guard.

This was a showdown between two of NXT's most dominant tag teams. It felt like it was going to be a war, and that's what it was. Like Roode vs. McIntyre later in the night, however, it's more notable for the debut of a future set of NXT tag team champions than the match itself.

The fight started before the bell even rang, which was a nice touch. Though he wasn't officially part of the match, Eric Young brought out a table from under the ring. After the bell rang, he surprised the crowd by entering himself into the match, since Killian Dain hadn't been tagged into the match beforehand.

After chaos descended over the ringside area, the Authors of Pain took control for most of the match.

The build to the climax began when the Authors of Pain tried to do a powerbomb/superplex combination to Eric Young off the top rope, but Nikki Cross grabbed onto his legs to save him. That's when Akam powerbombed Rezar by mistake.

A big elbow drop from Young resulted in a near-fall, with Akam saving his partner. A couple of dives later and everyone was laying unconscious outside the ring. That's when Nikki Cross and Paul Ellering got in.

With Ellering distracting the referee, Nikki Cross dived was caught by Akam, and both were put through a table by Killian Dain. Young and Wolfe then double-teamed Rezar and sealed the deal.

Then Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish spoiled SAnitY's victory parade!

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