
The 10 best moments from NXT TakeOver: War Games II

Fun night.
Fun night.

While it didn't quite live up to the massive hype, NXT TakeOver: War Games II was nevertheless a great show, and as usual, the main roster pay per view tonight is going to have a hard time surpassing it.

Let's take a look back at some of the night's best moments on the night.

#10 Pete Dunne charges in

Trapped in the shark cage!
Trapped in the shark cage!

Pete Dunne was itching to get involved in the War Games match, but Bobby Fish locked him up and threw away the key. Dunne was agonized as he watched his teammates get beaten up.

Then, finally, the bolt cutters came out, Pete Dunne was released, and he charged in, delivering a beating to the Undisputed Era. Kendo sticks flew. Garbage cans got sent into the ring. Tables came out. The match was going to get a whole lot more chaotic and everyoen rejoiced when Pete Dunne finally got involved in the contest.

Pete Dunne's charge into the fray was one of the greatest moments in the War Games match. It picked up the pace when the match was badly lagging. Hopefully, we won't have to wait so long for that final, decisive charge when the next War Games match is held.

#9 Pete Dunne and Ricochet standing tall

Perfect visual.
Perfect visual.

Pete Dunne wasn't finished after his initial charge. He was crucial for ending the War Games match in his team's favor. To celebrate, he and Ricochet, who both got the pin over Adam Cole, climbed to the top of the War Games cage with their titles held high to make for a great closing visual.

Both men looked at one another with respect and perhaps a little cockiness. I'm sure no one would be against seeing them go at it again in the ring.

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