
The biggest winners and losers of last night's Raw (24 December 2018)

The Raw Women's title was on the line last night
The Raw Women's title was on the line last night

December is a notoriously lazy month for WWE. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day episodes in particular are things we shouldn't expect the company to put much effort into, but to their credit, they appeared to try this time around, knowing that their poor content quality of late was bleeding fans in droves.

The Christmas Eve edition of Raw wasn't a world-shaking episode by any means, but we did get a notable announcement, and there was more effort than you would expect to be put into such a show. Count that as a tepidly positive sign.

Who came away with the most and least last night?

Lets take a look.

Winner: Elias

With his second straight victory over Bobby Lashley, it's probably safe to assume that the rumoured push Elias is due to get is still on track. Hopefully this will be the end of the feud, and Elias will move on to bigger and better things during WrestleMania season.

This was a fun match where Elias surprisingly took most of the fight to Lashley. I could have done without the eggnog spill onto Lio Rush though. Food humour in WWE is something that needs to go away, because it's usually far more bad than good.

Regardless, this was a great start to the coming year for the Drifter.

Loser: Drew McIntyre

Sure, he didn't take the pinfall, but the longer Drew McIntyre finds himself embroiled with Ziggler and Balor, the greater his main event feel will chip away. Ziggler and Balor haven't been presented as threats to the level of McIntyre at all.

A steel cage match was announced next week for Raw between the former partners. McIntyre should win that decisively and move on. Too much wheel spinning is what kills the aura a star carries.

McIntyre should look to make statements ahead of the Royal Rumble match, where he must still be regarded as a favourite.

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