
The biggest winners and losers of last night's SmackDown (December 11)

Finishing touches.
Finishing touches.

True to form, SmackDown delivered a better than good show last night. The finishing touches to the TLC pay per view were put in place and some rivalries were built for beyond that show. With Daniel Bryan vs. Mustafa Ali and Asuka vs. Charlotte being advertised, there was no way that this was going to be a bad show, but it delivered beyond expectations.

That this is all taking place in December, which is a month where WWE is infamous for phoning things in, is especially commendable. TLC has the potential to be one of the best shows of the year.

But who got the most and least out of last night's show?

Winners: Daniel Bryan and 205 Live

The first half hour of the show was excellent. Daniel Bryan's heel turn has made him the most interesting character he's been since the peak of the "Yes Movement" in 2013 and early 2014. There isn't anything particularly innovative in "the New Daniel Bryan," but he's performing the role so well that it's masking the usual tropes WWE uses for heel characters. The environmentalist, anti-consumer touch is a nice one, because Daniel Bryan fits the stereotype.

205 Live was another big winner in this contest. Mustafa Ali represented his brand exceedingly well, and if this is a sign that the Cruiserweight division is finally going to be allowed to interact with the rest of the roster, then sign me up. Ali delivered his typical excellence. There was no way he was going to win this match, but his fight was valiant and he probably got a lot more attention than he's used to getting. After the way he's delivered all year long, he certainly deserves a bigger spotlight.

AJ Styles only had a cameo appearance on tonight's episode. Daniel Bryan and he will have tough competition in the women's triple threat match, but they might just be able to steal the show.

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