
The biggest winners and losers on Raw (March 12)

Roman Reigns Vince McMahon

With Fastlane in the rearview mirror, the build to WrestleMania began in earnest last night, with several important developments. We saw John Cena and Braun Strowman's paths to WrestleMania unfold.

We also saw the direction for the women's championship match now that Asuka decided to challenge Charlotte.

The show wasn't all good though.

Loser: Roman Reigns

There's an argument to be made that this promo was so bad, it was good.

The story being told heading into WrestleMania is that Brock Lesnar is lazy and doesn't want to show up for work, scorning the WWE Universe in the process, while Roman Reigns works his backside off to entertain them.

For a couple of weeks, it worked. WWE pushed its luck too far last night, though.

In everything from Roman calling Brock "Vince's boy" to that suspension, it was a transparent hail mary to get him cheered. The audience saw right through it, cheering wildly when Reigns got suspended.

Subtlety isn't WWE's strong suit and this promo insulted the intelligence of its fans (a routine sin from the company). Modern audiences see through this stuff, and the company would be advised to slow down next week.

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