
The 5 Greatest backstabbers in wrestling history

Seth Rollins now knows how it feels like!

Now Seth Rollins knows what it feels like. With Triple H’s swerve last Monday night, a new feud was born and one of the greatest “turns” in the business will always be remembered. For everything it has done, which is to make Kevin Owens the new Universal Heavyweight Champion, this segment is more about what Triple H did, stabbing his protégé in the back than Owens “winning” the belt.

The friends becoming foes and the mentor-student heel turn is a common storyline in this business, no matter what promotion you watch. The fact, this time, was about the teacher making the ill-fated move is a bit of a surprise.

WWE is famous for this kind of an angle, which at times has become the basis of some of the best stories ever told. Other promotions have done it as well like The Freebirds turning on the Von Erichs and Kevin Sullivan turning on Barry Windham with the Florida Heavyweight Title on the line.

These five programs, however, are the ones that have impacted the business the most.

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