
2 reasons why Cody Rhodes is the next John Cena (and 1 why it's Theory)

The two RAW Superstars have been compared to the 16-time world champion
The two RAW Superstars have been compared to the 16-time world champion

John Cena has been the biggest star to come out of WWE over the past 20 years. While Cena gained steam as the Doctor of Thuganomics, the bulk of his popularity came as a babyface, helping him stay atop the industry for more than a decade.

The Champ's incredible blend of hard work, charisma, skill and dedication meant that replacing him would prove a nearly impossible task.

.@JohnCena makes his return to #WWERaw on June 27th in Laredo, TX to celebrate his 20 Year Anniversary with @WWE! https://t.co/P7wGTyTw1r

While many current superstars share the responsibility of occupying the void left by his departure, the company is yet to find a proper heir to his throne. Roman Reigns has taken the reins as the company's top star, but the two names which have been fronted as potential like-for-like successors are Cody Rhodes and Theory.

Both stars are, of course, looking to carve out their own legacies, but Cena himself has fielded comparisons with great babyfaces like Hulk Hogan and Pedro Morales for most of his career. Comparisons to a legend can be a stepping stone to greatness.

So, without further ado, here are two reasons why Cody Rhodes is heir to The Champ's throne, and one why it's Theory

#3: Cody Rhodes' promo style is similar to John Cena's

The duo are master storytellers
The duo are master storytellers

No superstar has mastered WWE's heavily scripted promo style over the past 15 years like John Cena.

While many stars of the Ruthless Aggression and Attitude eras struggled with the less edgy and explicit nature of the mic work required of them, the former Doctor of Thuganomics excelled. His ability to replace expletive-ridden raps with an inspirational and heroic message within the confines of the script helped him stand out from the rest.

Similarly, The American Nightmare is the current superstar who most thrives in the current promo style. This has helped get the crowd behind him on his quest to capture the world championship and complete his family legacy, garnering babyface reactions not seen since the heyday of the Cenation Leader.

#2: Theory's WWE career already draws parallels to John Cena's early days

Can Theory fulfill the prophecy?
Can Theory fulfill the prophecy?

According to various reports, Vince McMahon views Theory as the second coming of John Cena. While the United States champion has a long way to go to be on The Champ's level, it's not hard to see where the comparisons come from.

Apart from bearing a similar look, the selfie-clicking superstar's first championship in the company - just like Cena's in 2004 - is the United States title. His finishing move, the ATL, also bears resemblance to the Attitude Adjustment.

If his eventual face turn is executed successfully, the 24-year old could be the company's ultimate babyface for the next decade, boosted by the boss's endorsement.

#1: Cody Rhodes has a history of John Cena-esque reactions

I got a big smile on my face seeing Cody Rhodes come out and hearing those reactions. Cody is that guy.

#WWERaw https://t.co/szeRnhs4OE

Although Cody Rhodes' spectacular homecoming has been a smashing success so far, he, just like John Cena, has a history of polarising reactions. The American Nightmare's unapologetic character earned him cheers and boos in equal measure over his time in AEW, leading him to seek advice from the Cenation leader.

Time will tell if Rhodes' initial overwhelmingly positive reactions turn polarising after a few years as WWE's top babyface. Judging by recent reactions before his triumphant return, the dueling chants that came to define Cena's early 2010s career cannot be ruled out of Rhodes' future.

One thing we can be sure of, however, is that just like the 16-time world champion, Rhodes will always get one of the loudest crowd reactions every night.

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