The Paul Heyman guys - what now?
CM Punk lost at SummerSlam. But even if the Beast won the match, the Best won the hearts.
It was the most impactful match Brock Lesnar had since his first return match with John Cena. Even if his Wrestlemania match with Triple H was brutal, it didn’t quite get the reaction that this collision between the two most iconic Paul Heyman guys got.
It was not just a strength versus skill match. Brock Lesnar is one of the most unique wrestlers around, as he is strong and pretty quick. At least he used to be. But even though his MMA style has flourished and is more dominant in the ring today and his WWE style wrestling is not what it used to be, his presence still commands attention in the ring. And now that the moment has come and gone, it is time for CM Punk and Paul Heyman to carry this forward and maybe, just maybe, we’ll get something of value from Curtis Axel.
Paul Heyman, on Monday Night RAW, walked with his heart in his hand; trying to mend it with CM Punk, only and only if, he apologizes. Punk came out with all fists and fury on Curtis Axel and a guy in the arena. The only guys left in the game are Punk, Heyman, Axel and Brock Lesnar’s contract. And with the absence of John Cena and the escalating Daniel Bryan momentum and Randy Orton’s heel momentum thanks to the return of the corporate heels, it seems Axel might get some meat to his character.
It is time to see what Axel can do as a Paul Heyman guy, apart from brawling.
But as Brock Lesnar’s previous feuds go, all the men he fought have beaten him once. Triple H and John Cena have conquered the beast. So it cannot be ruled out that CM Punk might face him again sometime in the future and win. But for that to happen, the feud has to continue with intriguing twists and turns. For now, I think it’s better to focus on other feuds for CM Punk, because of Brock Lesnar’s evergreen absence.
One scenario for them to meet can be by making Brock Lesnar WWE Champion in the future, just like The Rock’s run with the belt, and have CM Punk face the beast one more time to conquer the championship he so dearly held for 434 days. Then, maybe, he can lose it to someone more worthwhile than The Rock; someone like a new talent, thereby kick-starting their career. But this scenario looks a bit farfetched, given how fierce Daniel Bryan’s storyline is turning out to be.
I think the best thing is to get CM Punk’s attention into other entities than Brock Lesnar, so when Brock Lesnar returns, which I hope is after a really long time, CM Punk interrupts his party and restarts the feud.