
The Rock rumored to be playing SuperHero, Mick Foley on Daniel Bryan joining The Wyatts

- As noted earlier, The Rock recently noted during a Twitter Q&A that he had a meeting with the CEO of Warner Bros. about working with DC Comics in 2014.

Peter Georgiou of “Think McFly Think”, via ComicBook.com, said that there is a rumor “floating around behind the scenes in the industry” that Rock is in talks to play John Stewart, the African-American Green Lantern who is expected to replace Ryan Reynolds’ Hal Jordan in the superhero’s next on-screen appearance.

Georgiou added, “I think Dwayne Johnson being on team DC is insane whoever he is playing.”

- Mick Foley has a new blog entry looking at Daniel Bryan joining the Wyatt Family. Foley noted the Bryan joining the clan “could be” best for business, and that he still sees Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He noted that Bryan could help “make” Bray Wyatt, and that their feud could be what takes Bray to the main event level.

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