
5 things Stone Cold Steve Austin could do at WrestleMania

Stone Cold Steve Austin is set to appear at WrestleMania
Stone Cold Steve Austin is set to appear at WrestleMania

One of the most exciting parts of WrestleMania 38 is that Stone Cold Steve Austin will be making an appearance. Everyone's beer-swilling Attitude Era favorite will be extensively featured in a blockbuster segment with Kevin Owens.

Owens will host Austin on his talk show at The Grandest Stage of Them All. From one user of the Stunner to another, it will be an exciting segment that everyone will be watching with keen interest. The host has ticked off the Texas native to such an extent on RAW that we know he is about to get a beating.

Many are speculating that Stone Cold will go all in and wrestle a match at WrestleMania. While that hasn't been confirmed yet, it is certainly a possibility. However, with this being The Texas Rattlesnake, he could end up doing any number of things at the show.

With that in mind, here are five things Stone Cold Steve Austin could do when he shows up at WrestleMania.

#5. Stone Cold could stun Owens, drink beer, and leave

Austin meets Owens backstage at a WWE event
Austin meets Owens backstage at a WWE event

Basic stuff out of the way first, and this is as simple as it gets. WWE could have Stone Cold just listen to Kevin Owens' yapping and trash talk, and ultimately answer in the form of his iconic finishing move.

This is what most fans are likely expecting. Since his retirement in 2003, Austin has sporadically appeared just to stun people, drink a few beers, and leave. It's a well-established spectacle, but it pops the WWE Universe every time.

We are sure the elite heel in Owens will launch some scathing remarks towards his guest. Unfortunately, his guest is someone you don't want to mess with, and we are certain KO will find that out the hard way.

#4. He could get beaten up to begin a feud

With everyone expecting a happy ending, WWE delivering the opposite at WrestleMania would be a stellar bit of booking. What if Stone Cold was on the receiving end of a Stunner and a beatdown?

Kevin Owens is certainly a credible and cunning villain. If plans are in motion to have him and his guest wrestle a match in the future, the company could have the heel attack the legend at WrestleMania.

It would draw him massive heat and put the crowd firmly behind Austin. Not that he needs it, but it would be a clever twist to the proceedings.

#3. He could actually wrestle a match

We are all excited to see Austin wrestle a match
We are all excited to see Austin wrestle a match

Stone Cold Steve Austin is someone who retired way before he was supposed to. It is not an exaggeration to suggest that were it not for his neck injury, he could have wrestled for another decade.

While we have no clue whether Austin is medically cleared to wrestle or not, him returning for an impromptu match at WrestleMania would blow the roof off the place.

The egotistical Owens could mockingly challenge his guest to a match, and Austin's sudden acceptance of said challenge would be a major wrestling moment.

#2. He has someone else fight for him

The Rattlesnake could have someone teach Owens a lesson on his behalf
The Rattlesnake could have someone teach Owens a lesson on his behalf

While fans want nothing more than to see Stone Cold wrestle one more match, they also understand that it is not a practical dream. They are happy to see the legend deliver Stunners and open cans of whoop-ass on annoying superstars.

However, nothing is stopping him from having wrestlers fight on his behalf. The same thought can be applied to his segment with Kevin Owens. When KO challenges Austin to a match, he could pick a champion to fight for him.

Austin could even insert himself as special guest referee to add some spice to the whole thing. A Stunner from the official to Owens will be the least surprising thing about the proceedings.

#1. He could reveal himself to be a host of WrestleMania

Stone Cold loves to play his opponents like fiddles. From Vince McMahon to The Rock, everyone has been on the receiving end of one of his charades. Austin's famous phrase 'D.T.A.' supposedly means 'don't trust anybody', but it could very easily mean 'don't trust Austin'.

Kevin Owens becoming his latest victim would be a phenomenal WrestleMania moment. After hearing what his host has to say, Austin could respond by revealing his higher duties. He could then use his power to his advantage by booking Owens in a match with a fan-favorite.

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