
TLC 2018: R-Truth & Carmella vs. Jinder Mahal & Alicia Fox, Winners, Video, Highlights and Analysis

The Finals of the Mixed Match Challenge
The Finals of the Mixed Match Challenge

Season Two of the Mixed Match Challenge finally came to an end at the TLC pay-per-view with R-Truth & Carmella facing Jinder Mahal & Alicia Fox. With an "all-expense paid trip" and the number 30 spot in the Royal Rumble matches on the line, Season Two of the Mixed Match Challenge ended with two teams no one ever expected to see in the finals - guaranteeing unique winners.

R-Truth and Carmella came down to the ring and got the fans excited with their catchphrases, followed by Mahal, Fox, and the Singh Brothers.

The match started with Mahal and R-Truth locking up, but Truth would regain control and force the Modern-Day Maharaja to tag in his partner.

With Carmella and R-Truth alone in the ring, the duo called for a dance break and took the Singh Brothers out after a brief group dance.

Fox would attack Carmella from behind and would eventually get the former SmackDown Women's Champion in a headlock before Carmella broke free and tagged R-Truth.

Truth hit some impressive high-flying offense and maintained control until one of the Singh Brothers distracted him.

Fox would tag in Mahal and was about to hit R-Truth with her finisher before Carmella intercepted with a kick to the stomach and kick to the face for a nearfall that was broken up by Mahal.

Carmella would lock in her submission on Fox to win the match and secure the number 30 entrant spot for both Royal Rumble matches next year.

After the match, Carmella and R-Truth were interviewed about where they would be travelling as part of their prize for winning the Mixed Match Challenge, which lead to R-Truth revealing that he chose for them to get an all-expense paid trip to WWE Headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. 

Results: R-Truth & Carmella defeat Jinder Mahal and Alicia Fox

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