
TLC 2018: Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton, winners, video highlights, and analysis

The Viper is here to end another hero of the WWE Universe
The Viper is here to end another hero of the WWE Universe

Since returning in the summer, Randy Orton has been working on breaking the classic fan favourites, returning in a way to his Legend Killer days. Orton claimed he wanted to destroy the heroes of the WWE Universe. First, it was Jeff Hardy.

Now, it's Rey Mysterio. Orton has repeatedly beaten down Mysterio and has even stolen his mask. Mysterio looked to prove that he has what it takes to beat the Viper and would get that opportunity with a chairs match.

Orton and Mysterio didn't hesitate to pick up some steel, as they immediately went outside for chairs. It was a race to see who could find their weapon first, and Mysterio won, pelting the Viper with multiple chair shots.

Mysterio set up the chair and leaped off of it for a senton, but Orton caught him, then connected with a brutal chair shot to the back as he was hung up in the corner. Orton set up Mysterio on the apron, but Mysterio escaped, hitting him with a chair and taking his legs out with a baseball slide, dropping him to the outside.

Mysterio then slid with the chair into a splash onto Orton on the outside. The Viper was in serious trouble as Mysterio never gave him a chance to catch his breath. However, Orton finally got his chance when Mysterio set him up for a senton, avoiding the luchador and sending him crashing down into the chair.

Orton brought the chair down on Mysterio's back like a hammer, with the thuds echoing throughout the arena. The crafty veteran then got an idea and set a chair atop the announcer's desk.

Orton dropped Mysterio with a facebuster onto the chair, then filled the ring with chairs as Mysterio tried to regain his composure. Orton set up a chair in the turnbuckle and went to drive Mysterio face first into it. Mysterio countered with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors, sending him crashing into the chair shoulder first.

Orton managed to immediately counter Mysterio after, driving him into the mat with his patented snap powerslam. Mysterio caught Orton and set up for the 619, but Orton sent him over the ropes. Mysterio caught himself and connected with an enziguri.

As Mysterio went for a top rope body splash, Orton threw a chair at him. Mysterio kicked out at two, and Orton continued to punish him with stomps to the head.

Mysterio lured Orton to him, then kicked him in the dome, followed by a chair shot to the back. A 619 left Orton laying on the mat. Orton recovered, taking out Mysterio's leg as he ascended the turnbuckle.

Orton placed a chair into the 2nd and 3rd turnbuckle pads, driving Mysterio's face into it repeatedly. Orton then set up four chairs in a line, then slowly picked up his old rival.

Orton set Mysterio up for an RKO on the chairs, but the Ultimate Underdog avoided it. Mysterio sent him into the chairs, then rolled him up for the pin.

Results: Rey Mysterio defeated Randy Orton via pinfall.

Mysterio picked up a huge win over Orton tonight. However, the Viper didn't look to be done with Mysterio, and it's clear we'll be continuing this war on Tuesday night.

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