Top 10 Matches of the Week: April 28th - May 4th
#10. Chavo Guerrero & Rob Van Dam vs. Samoa Joe & Christopher Daniels (TNA Joker’s Wild)
TNA aired their second ever “One Night Only” PPV, where you can spend $15 to watch a 3-hour pre-taped themed wrestling show. While the theme on random tag teams wasn’t as exciting as last month’s X-Division theme, the show managed to give us a few entertaining matches. Although the surprisingly good opener of James Storm and Christian York vs. Crimson and Gunner set the bar very high for the show, the Cruiserweight/X-Division group of Chavo, RVD, Joe, and Daniels stole the whole show. Whether it was watching Christopher Daniels’ unenthusiastic partner Samoa Joe shake his head and the Fallen Angel’s antics, or watching all four men decimate each other with high impact moves, every detail of this match delivered. Samoa Joe would end up picking up the victory for his team after hitting a Muscle Buster on RVD, but I think we all wish the match could’ve gone on a little bit longer.
#9. Karl Anderson vs. Michael Elgin (Ring of Honor)
In the first example of Ring of Honor bringing in a Japan-made wrestler to face off against on of their own, Tensai’s old tag team partner “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson faced off against the Unbreakable Michael Elgin. Although the power style that Elgin and Anderson use don’t usually work when both competitors use it, the match managed to flow very well and featured a plethora of awesome spots. Elgin once again showed off his impressive power to the fans, while Anderson introduced himself to the Western audience in explosive manner. Anderson would pick up the win after hitting Elgin with the Ace Crusher, but not before enduring everything Elgin had in his arsenal. It’s a little odd that they brought in Anderson to beat their talent instead of putting them over, but Elgin in a guaranteed future World Champion either way.
#8. Daniel Bryan vs. Ryback (WWE Smackdown)

I’ll admit, I never thought Ryback could have a great one-on-one match. While I enjoyed his gimmick and intensity, I was never confident in his ability to put on great matches. That was until I saw him face off with former Nexus member Daniel Bryan. Whether it was Bryan making him look good or not, Ryback put on a fantastic match against one half of the Tag Team Champions, and gave us a glimpse into how much intensity heel Ryback can bring into the ring.
#7. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston (WWE Raw)

Yes, I know. We’ve seen this match more times than I’ve gone to the bathroom. But every time Ziggler and Kingston face each other, they bring something completely new to the table. This was no different on RAW when we saw the World Heavyweight Champion clash with the United States Champion in what was arguably the best match of the night. It was a little weird to see Ziggler having to play dirty to beat Kofi, considering he’s the World Champion, but the match was still awesome and I recommend you watch it if you haven’t already. Or you could just wait until they face each other again in two weeks.
#6. Michael Elgin & Jay Lethal/Kevin Steen vs. Cliff Compton & Jimmy Jacobs (ROH Border Wars)
In the first of many sightings of Border Wars on this list, Michael Elgin and Jay Lethal took on S.C.U.M. members Cliff Compton and Jimmy Jacobs. Well, it was Elgin and Lethal for the first bit until Lethal got injured and was replaced by Kevin Steen. But it wasn’t the time when Lethal or Steen were competing that got this match so high up, it was the moments when Elgin battled Compton and Jacobs alone. All I can say is, wow! Elgin is one strong guy! I don’t know why WWE hasn’t signed this guy yet. The dude had Jacobs up in a stalling suplex for 50 seconds. Add on the fact that he gave multiple suplex variations to Cliff and Jimmy at the same time, then you might arguably have the strongest wrestler out there.
#5. Davey Richards vs. Paul London (ROH Border Wars)
I don’t know how Paul London is still alive after that brutal double foot stomp botch. If you didn’t see the show (you should’ve), Davey Richards went for the diving double foot stomp on London (who was laying down on the apron) and missed his torso, landing right on his face. Could you imagine having a guy jump from the top rope landing feet first on your face? I don’t think you would have a face any more. Other than that scary botch, London and Richards had a great match which featured a lot of cool spots. Whether they were mat wrestling or high flying, Richards and London put on an awesome match from bell to bell. Another interesting point about the match is how Davey decided to play the heel after realising that he was getting booed by everybody. I have to say that Davay has a lot more potential character wise as a heel. Davey would get the win over London, but I think both men came out of this match a winner.
#4. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Davey Richards (Ring of Honor)
In the main event of this week’s Ring of Honor, Davey Richards faced off against long time rival Kyle O’Reilly in a phenomenal match. The match featured amazing mat wrestling, some brutal looking strikes, and a very deadly looking brain buster from the apron from Kyle. Davey would end up winning the match with an armbar, but O’Reilly came out of the match looking like a million bucks.
#3. Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Antonio Cesaro – United States Championship Match (WWE Main Event)

If you didn’t think that either Cesaro or Kofi had main event potential, you do now. Cesaro and Kofi tore down the house on Main Event in a 20 minute clinic in wrestling. Many of my fellow internet wrestling nerds are already calling it one of the best matches of the year, I would be hard pressed to find anyone who would disagree. It’s a shame that these two couldn’t have this match for a larger audience on RAW and SmackDown.
#2. Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander vs. ACH & Tadarius Thomas (ROH Border Wars)
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Ring of Honor has the flat out best tag team division in the world. If you needed any proof, the opening match at Border Wars between C&C and ACH/Tadarius Thomas is a prime example. Although it was short, they managed to fit in a mega-ton of amazing moves and exhilarating spots. Is it just me, or is Ring of Honor’s undercard always better than the main event?
#1. Eddie Edwards vs. Taiji Ishimori (ROH Border Wars)
I have never had an interest in Japanese wrestling until now. Eddie Edwards and Pro Wrestling NOAH’s Taiji Ishimori had one of the flat-out best indy matches I have ever seen ever. I could describe to you a few spots, but I would rather just have you watch the match for yourself. Just watch this match. You’re only hurting yourself if you don’t.
Agree? Disagree? Tell me why on Twitter @SmarkInProgress where I say things in all caps sometimes.