
Top 10 unexpected Helping Hands in WWE

As John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote, sometimes you have to get by with a little help from your friends. In the world of pro wrestling and WWE, though, you're never quite sure who your friends are or aren't. Sometimes, as we saw in the main event of Hell In A Cell this year (and something we'll get to in just a bit), sometimes your best-friend-turned-greatest-enemy can suddenly become your best friend again.

So, let's take a look at ten times that WWE superstars unexpectedly helped out someone we weren't expecting:

10. Sami Zayn help Kevin Owens (Hell In A Cell 2017)

Let's get the most recent example out of the way first. Not because it's the obvious entry, but also because it's one of the most interesting things on WWE programming right now.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens's past (even pre-WWE) has been fodder for some great storytelling throughout both of their WWE careers. They excited fans with their battles in NXT, then continued their rivalry on both Raw and Smackdown.

To be fair, at times it felt like "Jeez, Owens vs Zayn again?" But, when Sami pulled Kevin out of the way of Shane McMahon's top-of-the-cell elbow, we knew we were in for something different.

And, in a weird way, it did even more to humanize both characters.

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