Top 5 Best NXT prospects
NXT has been a breeding ground for WWE’s future talents for some time now. It started off as a competition whose inaugural Champion was Wade Barrett. Daniel Bryan made his way into the WWE with this. Soon WWE’s developmental territory, Florida Championship Wrestling or FCW, was changed to be called NXT Developmental.
Over the past one year Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Leakee (Roman Reigns), The Wyatt Family, Damien Sandow, Antonio Cesaro, Summer Rae and now Xavier Woods have been the few who’ve made their way to the main roster, with the Shield and the Wyatt Family being the most triumphant in their respective debut years.
There is no doubt that the developmental arena breeds a lot of potentially awesome superstars and divas. Here is a list of stars who could be great inclusions into the main roster, when the time comes.
5. Enzo Amore
WWE’s characters can undoubtedly embrace over-the -top antics. It can either be entertaining or it can go horribly wrong. Fandango’s character, in my humble opinion, could have been or can be one of the best characters the WWE ever created. But creative seems to have nothing substantial for him, at the moment.
Enzo Amore has an extremely catchy entrance music. When he talks, he reminds me of Jesse Pinkman in some ways. He is the best talker NXT has, right now. He might as well follow into the footsteps of other reputed NXT talkers like Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose. Big Cass and Amore are a great combination as well. They’re entertainment!
Right now, unfortunately, he’s out with an injury.
4. Leo Kruger
Sounds so much like Lex Luger. Well, he is one of those superstars in the NXT who are just so interesting that they make the wait for their arrival even more exciting. But recently, he made his entrance as Adam Rose. Please WWE, don’t change his gimmick. He was just so outstanding.
3. Sami Zayn
The Number One contender for the NXT championship, is a former indy wrestler who went with the name El Generico. He was so extraordinary in the ring that the WWE management had to ask him mellow down. His bouts with Antonio Cesaro were spell binding and now he is about face Bo dallas for the NXT title. A build-up which seems to be way better than any build up on Raw or Smackdown.
2. Bo Dallas
How annoying was Bo Dallas as a face? I actually like Bo Dallas as a heel. Very Much. How unBOlievable is that? This delusional little boy character is a perfect fit for Dallas, who seems to be just so naturally annoying. It is so easy to BO(O) him. I can’t wait for this character to debut in the main roster.
1. Paige
This is long overdue. Nobody in NXT deserves a main roster push as much as this diva. She has an interesting look and an interesting and catchy Anti-Diva gimmick. The only reported reason keeping her away from revolutionizing the pathetic diva scene on the main roster is her age. But JoJo, who is 2 years younger than Paige has already competed in the main roster. Anyway, if WWE is waiting for the right moment for her arrival, they should better make it worth the wait.