
Top 5 Damsel in Distress moments in the WWE

Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton’s feud started on a fantastic note. With this feud we got great heels in Stephanie McMahon and Randy Orton. Triple H, too returned to being a heel, a characteristic that made him legendary. But the underdog story seemed to have lost some of its spark until Brie Bella was introduced in this ongoing rivalry. Her involvement was not earth shattering but it’s proven in the WWE that the damsel in distress storyline always illicit interest.

Here is a list of moments where the involvement of some women in a feud added fuel to the fire or were the breakthrough moment of their careers.

Randy Orton attacks Stephanie

2009 and 2010 are maybe the best years of Orton’s career. There was no one who could match up to him in the arena of being a heel. This is considered to be the character hardcore fans have longed for since Orton turned babyface. The feud with Triple H and his subsequent attacks on Shane, Vince and Stephanie gave him some huge momentum.

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