
Top 5 Feuds of Dean Ambrose

Dean Ambrose is one of the most entertaining superstars in WWE right now

On November 18, 2012, Dean Ambrose debuted on the main roster as part of the enigmatic group, Shield.  He was shown as the unpredictable leader of the group. But, in mid-2013 characters of all the members of the Shield started undergoing a metamorphosis and Ambrose became more arrogant.

Ambrose taunting Reigns and Rollins for being the only Champion in the group sowed the seeds of dissension and made people believe that he would be the first one to break out of the group. But, the WWE tricked everybody when Rollins when he turned on his Shield brothers just a night after Payback 2014.

This gave birth to “The Lunatic Fringe”, a more capricious Ambrose, a character in the Stone Cold mold. It doesn't’t matter if he is a heel or a face; his character combined with his in-ring abilities will provide the fans some memorable feuds. Here is a list of his top 5 five feuds:

Honorary Mention – William Regal 

Any list of the feuds of Dean Ambrose is incomplete without a mention of his feud with William Regal. Though it took place in the developmental territory back then, it brought together two guys who could match each other’s skill in telling stories in the ring and on the mic. On one hand, you had a veteran and a master technician in form Regal (The man once refused to job to Goldberg during his stint in WCW) and on the other hand, you had Ambrose a future superstar.

Since Ambrose’s debut on FCW Regal had been a vocal supporter of Ambrose’s talent. But, Regal was attacked by Ambrose when regal was tending to the FCW GM Maxine during an FCW angle. This made Maxine book Ambrose in a match with Regal. The first match of the rivalry was won cleanly by Regal who was at his offensive best during the match.

Ambrose got his rematch after a month, most of which he utilized to win matches using Regal’s finishers. In match #2 of this rivalry, Regal displayed his craft by working on Ambrose’s left arm, which gave Regal the upper hand in match. However, Ambrose found an opening and smashed Regal’s head into an exposed turnbuckle which made him bleed from the ear. The match ended in a no contest as Regal was no longer fit to compete.

After the match, however, William Regal allowed Ambrose to hit him with the “knee trembler” as a sign of appreciation. The match left most of the viewers wondering if Regal would ever compete again. It was one of Ambrose’s last feuds before he debuted as part of Shield and the fans got the flavor of all the key ingredients of wrestling during the feud – an intriguing storyline, great promos and exciting action in the ring.  

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