Top 5 JR'isms from his time in the WWE
The attitude era was one of WWE’s most profound periods. The maverick in McMahon decided to try out untested waters in the form of the attitude era and it paid him big time. Many attribute the success of the period to factors like the Stone Cold – McMahon rivalry, the monday night wars, the rise of the Rock and what not. But, one factor everyone overlooks is the stellar contribution of veteran commentator good ol Jim Ross.
Jim Ross, the legendary voice of the WWE was at the centre of the storm calling out the occurences day after day. His style of commentary clicked well with the fans and they loved how he formed a formiddable partnership with Jerry Lawler. JR would make a leg drop sound like a nuclear bomb explosion and his expressions and quotes will always remain priceless.
Let us look at some of JR’s standard expressions that wrestling fans will never ever forget.
Educated feet
Back in the day, the WWE had a hoard of high flying superstars who would come out and do spectacular moves. In short, every show back then was packed with some high octane action as the likes of Shawn Michaels, RVD, Jeff Hardy and Ken Shamrock would make insane moves look so easy. JR too was naturally impressed by these manoeuvres and he aptly described their limbs as ‘educated feet.
Feet, that were capable of moving swiftly and with great agility to strike opponents when they least expect it. A single drop kick would get JR started on it and it would last till the final bell.
Bonafide Slobberknocker
This was JR’s historic expression of saying that this match was going to be ‘an out and out classic’. And trust me, there were a few in every show. With the likes of Rock, Austin, Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker participating week in and week out in competition, you sure as hell knew that all matches back then were classics.
JR also used this term to describe specific pay per view matches where intense and dangerous stipulations were involved. It is indeed ironic that there are no ‘slobberknocker’ worthy bouts in today’s WWE.