
Top 5 social media moments of the week: WWE stars leaving?, Cody shoots on Stardust, and more


The past seven days have seen more verbal jousting and revelations on social media, with stars of the pro wrestling world taking to Twitter to make their voices heard amidst TV story lines and real life drama.

Before we dive into this week's top 5 social media moments, let's take a look at a runner up comment which made waves in the pro wrestling industry.

Bray Wyatt is targeting Sting

In a fantasy matchup for the ages, The Fiend admitted on Twitter that Sting would be an ideal target for his next WWE legend attack on TV.

Sting is officially retired from in-ring competition in WWE, making a match against The Fiend almost impossible. However, as for a possible one-off appearance from the WWE Hall of Famer which leads to the Mandible Claw from The Fiend, that seems like it could be a possible angle, however unlikely.

#5 Becky Lynch disses Sasha Banks' promo skills

Becky Lynch
Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch was all smiles this week as she surprised the pro wrestling world with the news that she and Seth Rollins are engaged, meaning WWE's top power couple will soon be husband and wife.

But the engagement to Rollins has not derailed The Man on Twitter, as she took to the social media platform during Raw this week to react to Sasha Banks' "worked shoot" style promo, which saw The Boss finally explain her actions since returning to WWE TV.

Lynch seemed to echo some of the sentiments from fans online that Banks' promo on Raw this week was not one of her best, and in an earlier article, I analyzed why the Banks promo was actually a big mistake.

Whether you did or did not like Sasha Banks' promo on Raw this week, things are certainly going to heat up between the two Raw stars heading into Clash of Champions.

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