
Top 5 wrestlers who defeated The Undertaker clean in singles matches

The Undertaker
A victory over The Undertaker is always seen as special

The Undertaker is arguably one of the greatest Superstars in the history of WWE. There is no other wrestler who captivates the crowd like he does.

He made his debut way back in 1990 and possibly has the least number of losses. So any loss for him is a monumental moment.

A victory over the Deadman is always special. His push in WWE was always different from others.

Despite not always being in the title picture, Taker enjoyed massive fan support. However, the Undertaker has his share of defeats.

Whether putting a new guy over him or letting his WrestleMania streak end at 21-0, few superstars have managed to do what many dreamt of - beating the Undertaker.

Here are five such wrestlers.

Honorable Mentions: The Ultimate Warrior, Triple H, and Stone Cold Steve Austin

#5 Roman Reigns (WrestleMania 33)

Is this Roman's yard now?
Is this Roman's yard now?

Roman Reigns became only the second person to defeat the Undertaker at WrestleMania. In the main event of WrestleMania 33, Reigns hit three spears to the phenom before pinning him and rewriting history.

After the match, The Undertaker symbolically left his gloves, coat, and hat in the centre of the ring, hinting that this was possibly his last match.

The match received mixed reviews, and the fans were quite upset about it. Rarely breaking kayfabe, Taker hugged his wife who was sitting ringside and bade farewell to WWE Universe.

The victory had a great impact on Reigns as it has quickly transitioned him to be the future of WWE. 2017 was the year of The Big Dog, as he had meaningful rivalries which anchored him to be the face of WWE, and it all started with overcoming the Phenom.

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