Top 5 WWE post injury returns
A great wrestler is one who makes a great return after suffering career-ending injuries, and gets the fans on their feet when his return music hits. Let’s take a look at some of the best injury comebacks in WWE history.
5. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Backlash 2000

Stone Cold Steve Austin
Stone Cold has a history filled with neck injuries, . This neck injury forced him out of the WWF Championship triple threat match with The Rock and Triple H in the 1999 Survivor Series. To cover up the injury, he was shown chasing Triple H backstage and getting accidentally hit by a car during the PPV, and so he was written off from the match and the WWF scene for an indefinite time.
After nursing the injury and choosing not to give up, he returned during the 2000 Backlash main event match for the WWF Championship between The Rock and Triple H, where Vince McMahon was trying to screw The Rock. It looked like Triple H will win the match, but then the music of shattering glass was heard, and the audience got on their feet when they saw a returning Stone Cold who had a chair in his hand to beat the hell out of Vince and his stooges.
4. John Cena, Royal Rumble 2008

John Cena in Royal Rumble 2008
On October 1 , 2007, during a match with Mr. Kennedy suffered a torn pectoral muscle. Despite the injury, Cena completed the match and also suffered a scripted attack by Randy Orton after the match. After the surgery it was said that Cena might need 7 months’ time to recover and wrestle again, due to the injury Cena was stripped of his title by Vince McMahon.
Cena made a very quick return, in less than 4 months, at the 2008 Royal Rumble by entering at #30. He won the match by last eliminating Triple H. How Cena completed his match with Mr. Kennedy, suffered a post match attack from Orton and recovered way too fast than the expected time shows us the hard work and determination of the leader of Cenation.