
Triple H issues public apology for inappropriate joke

Triple H
Triple H

For those of you who have managed to avoid it coming up online over the past few days, a mini-scandal of sorts erupted when footage of Triple H being interviewed for NXT Takeover: Blackpool 2 revealed that he made an inappropriate joke about WWE Superstar Paige.

The joke was made during Triple H's response to Sportskeeda's own Gary Cassidy asking for his thoughts on a potential return to the ring for Edge and Paige, you can see his answer here:

However in the midst of answering this question, Triple H veered onto discussing why Edge having kids was a reason for him to be careful about returning. He then made the following comment about Paige:

"Edge has kids. Paige—maybe—she probably has some she doesn’t know of.”

The joke then became the subject of concern and anger online after Paige retweeted the above video and commented that 'even her boss is making fun of her'. Triple H received criticism both for making a joke about an employee at a public event as a high ranking representative of his company and for saying something potentially hurtful towards Paige. Especially taking into consideration her past tragedy.

Gary Cassidy caught up with Paige on the WWE BTSport bus and asked her for her thoughts on Triple H's comment, here's what she had to say,

Since then Triple H has issued a public apology on Twitter saying it was a terrible joke.

It seems that both Paige and Triple H have publicly handled this situation with a lot of class and both should be commended. Hopefully this will be a step in the right direction for Triple H and for WWE in general.

Do you think Paige should forgive Triple H for his comment? Leave your thoughts in the comments section.

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