Triple H talks Seth Rollins attacking Brock Lesnar and John Cena, Daniel Bryan, more

Michael Cole returned with his weekly sit-down chat with Triple H, who had a few things to say regarding this past week Monday Night Raw’s events. Here are some of the highlights from that segment.
Triple H talked about the match-up on Smackdown and spoke about Daniel Bryan’s quest to climb the main-event mountain again, which begins with Kane who was instrumental in putting him out last year.
Triple H said that Rollins made a statement on Monday that he belongs in there with the likes of Cena & Lesnar. While Lesnar attacked Rollins with the German Suplex first, it was the payback that proved a point and now Cena & Lesnar would look at Seth in a different way. In the triple threat match at the Rumble, Triple H feels that the future will be upon us. While complimenting both Cena & Lesnar, he said Rollins is completely different altogether.
Triple H believes that Rollins knows what he is getting into and knows what he is doing. He puts over Rollins as a smart competitor and says the Rumble will be interesting because “if you don’t skin a cat one way, you’ve always got a briefcase in your hand that says you can skin them anytime you want.”