
Twitter reacts to WWE Raw: June 6, 2016

Can AJ Styles take out John Cena with the help of his boys at Money In The Bank ?

WWE brought us another lackluster episode of Monday Night Raw. The show brought us the same Superstars that have been wrestling each other over the last few weeks, only in different combinations. The only segment that was enthralling was the confrontation between The Club and John Cena, with the duo’s scathing promos that cut very close to home revealing the way to go in the New Era. 

Most of the show was filler and it looks like the creative team is just buying time till the brand split goes into effect in July. With WWE’s television viewership hitting record lows, this is arguably not the right way to go. Popular culture and entertainment, it looks like, have left WWE behind, something that WWE officials look like they’re unaware of.

Do we really need to see The Golden Truth every week when someone like Appolo Crews wasn’t even on the show tonight? What a waste of Crews’ talents.

And why is Titus O’ Neil of all people challenging for the US Title? Has he really ever been truly over?

Breezango has shown promise but do we really need to see Tyler Breeze shaving Fandango’s back? Credit to the duo though, they made the segment entertaining considering the terrible material they had been given in the first place.

With all this being said, let’s see what Twitter had to say about this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw.

#5 Ladder Me Stupid




Is there a dumber way to begin an episode of Raw than with six wrestlers sitting atop six ladders cutting promos? Albeit, the promos were decent but I’d take Eugene playing musical chairs over this. Who writes this crap?

Apparently those in the know also agree with me and they tweeted out about how everytime WWE have a ladder match, the participants keep on climbing ladders in the weeks leading up to the match.

What’s the point? To prove that they can climb ladders? Even I can climb a ladder.


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