
Unpopular Opinion: Becky Lynch's new feud with the McMahons is overkill

Lynch has traded verbal barbs with the RAW Women's Champion in recent weeks.
Lynch has traded verbal barbs with the RAW Women's Champion in recent weeks.

When Becky Lynch debuted her mean-streak at last year's Summerslam event, I was excited.

Lynch, who had debuted three years prior on the main roster, had been a smiling babyface, with little personality shown, so to see this new found dark side definitely had me hooked.

Quickly rising through the ranks, Lynch is arguably the company's most popular Superstar, and is expected to main-event WrestleMania 35 against Ronda Rousey, which would be the first women's match to do so.

But with The Man being suspended recently, though will be invited back to Monday Night RAW this week, I'd argue that Lynch's new feud with the McMahon family is nothing more than overkill.

Lynch is already the company's most popular star and is leaps and bounds more beloved than say Finn Balor or Seth Rollins, one of whom surely holds second place.

The Man slapped Triple H on the latest SmackDown Live.
The Man slapped Triple H on the latest SmackDown Live.

This McMahon feud is unnecessary, and just seems like WWE needlessly trying to get the fans to love the star they already love.

Whilst this story may have worked with Daniel Bryan five years ago, the Authority had been against Bryan for months, whilst now, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have seemingly turned on the Lass Kicker overnight.

What will the company do next, as they feel they still need to make by far their most popular star, more popular? Have her rescue cats from trees?

Lynch herself is not doing the story any favors, as she continues to make jibes about the concept, and her WrestleMania opponent, and whilst fans may love these 'sick burns' on social media, it does make me wonder: she clearly doesn't see Rousey as a threat, so why should we care about the match?

I'm sure Lynch will make it to WrestleMania, and fans will love her match, even if it's a Triple Threat.

But the WWE seem fixated on trying to get fans to love her more, and this new, rushed feud against the McMahon clan seems like a complete waste of time and resources.

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