
Unpopular Opinion: Becky Lynch should lose to Lacey Evans

Lacey Evans (left) could ascend to the next level of stardom by defeating Becky Lynch (right)
Lacey Evans (left) could ascend to the next level of stardom by defeating Becky Lynch (right)

Becky Lynch presently holds both the RAW as well as the SmackDown Women's Championships, and is undoubtedly at the very top of the WWE food chain. However, with Ronda Rousey out of action for the months to come, owing to an injury she sustained at WrestleMania 35, Lynch is now bereft of an opponent to feud with in the ensuing weeks.

Although Charlotte Flair will most definitely be looking to get even with Lynch as a continuation of their feud well after WrestleMania 35, it doesn't seem to be as alluring an idea as it may have seemed a few months back.

Which brings us to the here and now: Lynch has the WWE Women's Division in the palm of her hand, and is now seeking a worthy adversary against whom she can continue on the path to pro-wrestling immortality. This is where Lacey Evans enters, and helps the WWE Universe solve this conundrum.

Evans, a former NXT Superstar, who has gained a considerable amount of notoriety since debuting in NXT back in 2016, is widely regarded as one of the top future stars in the sports-entertainment industry today. Evans is a former US Marine, who's well-known for her incredible work ethic, unmatched poise and indisputable discipline.

"The Sassy Southern Belle" made her WWE main roster debut late last year, and on the most recent episode of Monday Night RAW, Evans landed a stinging sucker punch on Becky Lynch -- following which, both Superstars engaged in a fiery brawl, before eventually being separated by WWE officials.

Frankly speaking, while Lynch has already achieved everything she possibly could at WrestleMania 35, the future belongs to none other than Lacey Evans. Let's face it, Evans is in a different league when it comes to fitness and in-ring skills, and would likely annihilate the large majority of the WWE Women's Division anytime, anyplace!

Moreover, "The Man" Becky Lynch's gimmick seems to have reached a crescendo -- with her big win at WrestleMania 35 -- and with that in mind, it'd be best for all parties to move on to the next megastar in WWE, that is Lacey Evans. In other words, Lynch has reached her full potential, whereas for Evans, the sky's the limit.

Evans' real-life accomplishments as a former US Marine, and her passion for the business is what truly separates her from the rest.

Furthermore, while Lynch's promos are good, Evans has an infinitely better understanding of on-screen character presentation as well as hard-hitting realistic promo work.

While Evans' future may or may not see her dethroning Lynch, one thing's for sure, we'd like to see "The Lady" end the era of excessive trash-talk that "The Man" seems to have brought to the WWE Women's Division.

Would you like to see Lacey Evans dethrone Becky Lynch? Sound off in the comments!

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