Unpopular Opinion: Reaction to Brock Lesnar's title win proves how fickle fans are.

Why is everything so negative?
While the WWE will never be able to please every single fan that watches their product, they are doing a much better job than what fans are giving them credit for. WWE fans seem to be so focused on the negatives that exist in the WWE product, that they don't see the positives that are right in front of them.
For example, WWE succeeded in bringing The Fiend to television, reuniting The Club and creating a pretty entertaining 24/7 title - but fans choose to just focus on the fact that Brock Lesnar is champion again. It's honestly proving just how blind the fans are to quality sports entertainment and how unbelievably fickle their assessments can be.
The WWE Universe wanted Seth Rollins as champion and WWE made it happen. They did the same thing with Becky Lynch - in the main event of WrestleMania, no less - and the fanbase still didn't seem happy! Now WWE put the title back on Lesnar and the fans disapprove yet again. There is some truth to the notion that the company can't win no matter what they do because they are forever going to be censured by these toxic fans.
As monotonous and unspectacular as Brock Lesnar has been as a part-time champion in the past, it really doesn't seem like that's going to be the case moving forward. In fact, between Lashley and Strowman going through the set two weeks ago on Raw, and Heyman hinting at being a crooked booker on screen, providing his favored stars some extra perquisites, it looks like things could get better as they go along.
Unfortunately for WWE, the fans are already upset with the move and thus won't give the storyline any credit as it goes forward. Not only does this possibly force the company into a position to change their plans again, it once again shows just how intolerant this portion of audience is becoming.
In the end, fans want their opinions to be heard, but it is not fair to change their tone every week or so. How is WWE supposed to gain any kind of insight from what the fans are telling them when the feedback changes so flippantly? Maybe instead of asking what WWE can do better, fans should actually give the product a real chance.