
Unpopular Opinion: WWE have made a huge mistake with the Becky Lynch storyline

' The Man' Becky Lynch with Stephanie McMahon
' The Man' Becky Lynch with Stephanie McMahon

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the writer and not necessarily those of Sportskeeda.

Monday Night Raw has been known for delivering shocks and surprises, but tonight they hit what I feel is a new low. After making us wait all episode for Becky Lynch to decide whether to apologize to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, she decided to do it reluctantly, only for Vince McMahon to suspend her for 60 days.

Not only does that make her miss Wrestlemania and her dream match with Ronda Rousey, but they ended up replacing her with Charlotte Flair. We should definitely have seen a swerve like this coming, as it seemed all too good to be true for Becky.

I will do my best to keep this as unbiased as possible, but you have to feel sorry for her. She certainly deserved her spot at Wrestlemania much more than Charlotte does. After all, Becky did win the Royal Rumble, as well as having the backing of the fans.There is nobody in the company more popular than ' The Man' at the moment. This could destroy her momentum if she doesn't get back into the match.  

If you look at the storyline, you will see they are trying to portray Becky as the underdog, fighting against all obstacles in her path. The problem is that it always seems to be done the same way in WWE, with the McMahon family stacking the deck against somebody. It gets a little monotonous because of how frequently it's done.

Becky has built herself up organically and does not need the McMahons there to derail or alter her momentum. I don't think the McMahons can add or do anything to build her up any more than she already is. I can appreciate them trying to help by playing the heels, but it doesn't need to happen because they are over exposing her character too much. It is also confusing seeing her involved in two storylines, even if they do tie together.

The storyline could work though, if Rousey can help Becky get into the match, but given their rivalry, that seems unlikely. However Rousey did seem to indicate on Monday Night Raw that she wasn't happy with Vince McMahon's decision. That indicates that Rousey will stay a face and may reluctantantly help her rival against a common enemy in The McMahons and Charlotte.

If the plan is to add Becky back to the match with Rousey's help somehow, then I think this could make an interesting storyline in itself. It will keep Rousey being part of the story, while also building on the Charlotte/Authority vs Becky storyline.

Something that doesn't tie in with the storyline though is the fact that the McMahons promised us change in December last year. How are they keeping to their word if they insert Charlotte into every big situation involving the women? I understand that this is all storyline and that both Vince and Charlotte are heels, but is pushing Charlotte all the time at all giving the majority of fans what they want?

Rousey could refuse to defend her title at Wrestlemania unless Becky gets added. The other scenario could be she will only defend the title at Wrestlemania if the McMahons set up a match at Fastlane between Charlotte and Becky, to determine the number one contender or inclusion of Becky to the Wrestlemania match.

Either way Rousey is going to be needed to play a part in helping Becky get her title shot back. Becky can stay off television for a week or two while Ronda tries to change Vince's mind and lays out her ultimatum of not defending the title unless Vince gives Becky a chance. It won't hurt Becky's character to be off TV for a week or so, then she won't be over utilized.

I fear that if the WWE management don't resolve the issue quickly, then they risk losing more viewers. Tonight's bombshell would already have many fans angry at the company, so it needs to be resolved quickly. Charlotte could have been added another way, but the company chose to do it in a way to get people talking. Let's all hope that WWE can right this wrong and get the storyline back to being focused on the actual match.  

What are your thoughts on what transpired on Raw tonight with Becky Lynch? Do you the company did the right thing bringing in Charlotte, especially under these circumstances? Sound off in the comments.

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