Video: Michael Cole's three interviews with Triple H
WWE posted the previous three Michael Cole interviews of Triple H on YouTube this evening. The latest interview where Triple H has talked invited the Rhodes Family to a business talk of sorts is still available only in WWE.com.
These interviews conducted by Michael Cole, though Kayfabe, have been pretty instrumental in helping furthering the storyline.
WWE has become a very interesting product lately and one of the reasons for that could be attributed to Triple H’s new methods and ideas. One of them is surely these interviews where the COO talks about what is ‘best for business’ and provides explanation for actions on RAW that week.
The interviews have been really useful in displaying Triple H’s heelish nature. He puts forth justifications for each action taken by him on RAW that gain criticism. His recent interview with Cole explained why Triple H put the Shield in a 11 on 3 handicap match and why Daniel Bryan is nothing more than a B+ player.
Here are the three previous interviews of Triple H posted in the YouTube channel of WWE.