Video: WWE Main Event Results - 2nd October, 2013

Damien Sandow
Damien Sandow vs. Santino Marella
While Santino was chasing Sandow around the ring with his trademark cobra move, Sandow gets the first-man-in advantage, pulls the sock off Santino’s hand and goes for the Silencer, a sort of modified Rock Bottom and wins.
Winner by pin – Damien Sandow
The Prime Time Players vs. Luke Harper & Erick Rowan
Once Young hits an Enzuigiri on Harper, Titus takes over. He knocks Rowan off the apron and hits a boot to Harper’s face and scoop slams him. Rowan then breaks the count and tosses Young to the floor, but it’s too late. Titus tosses Rowan out but is hit by Harper with a clothesline from behind.
Winner by pin – The Wyatt Family
Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder
As soon as the match starts, Axel is in charge. First a clothesline to the back of Ryder’s head and then an axe handle. Zack responds with a dropkick to the back of Curtis’s head and the Broski Boot in the corner. But Axel holds on to the ropes to save himself from being dragged to the center of the ring and gives Ryder a swinging reverse neckbreaker for the win.
Winner by pin – Curtis Axel
Tons of Funk vs. The Real Americans
When Swagger grabs Clay’s foot and drags him to the floor, Cesaro takes advantage of the distraction and hits Tensai with The Neutralizer for the win.
Winner by pin – The Real Americans