
WATCH: How Painkillers Almost Destroyed Pro Wrestling

WWE and Wrestling in general is a physically demanding sport that combines athleticism and theatrics that often takes a toll on the performers' bodies.

To cope with the rigorous demands and grueling schedule, many wrestlers have turned to painkillers as a means of managing injuries and enduring the constant strain. WWE wrestler Kurt Angle has openly talked about taking painkillers.

The intense physicality of wrestling exposes athletes to a myriad of injuries, ranging from minor strains to severe trauma. To maintain their performance levels and fulfill their commitments, wrestlers sometimes rely on painkillers to alleviate discomfort, allowing them to continue competing despite the pain.

However, the use of painkillers in wrestling has raised significant concerns. Dependency on these medications can lead to addiction, posing serious health risks and contributing to long-term health issues for wrestlers. Additionally, the culture of "toughing it out" and the stigma surrounding admitting vulnerability or injury within the wrestling world often discourages people from seeking proper medical care, leading to a reliance on self-medication.

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