
What Could Have Been: WrestleMania 8

WrestleMania 8
WrestleMania 8

WrestleMania 8 encompasses one of the most interesting time periods in the WWF's history. 1992 was a major "transition year" for the WWF. The company was coming off the heels of accusations of steroid use amongst the roster, and the era of "Hulkamania" was starting to wind down. Large roster turnovers were also on the horizon. Superstar names such as Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts, Sid Justice, the Legion of Doom, Roddy Piper, and others would all leave the company within the year.

The turning tide was also apparent in the creative direction of the product. Perhaps nothing illustrates this more than when researching the variety of changes that were made to the plans for that year's WrestleMania. In this edition of "What Could Have Been," let's look back at some of the matches that were supposed to occur at WrestleMania 8 before a major overhaul of the card.

Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair

Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan

When Ric Flair came into the WWF in the fall of 1991, a “dream match” between the stalwart of the NWA and the Hulkster at WrestleMania seemed inevitable. A storyline between the two men started quickly, and the match was even formally announced on WWF television. However, it didn't work out due to a variety of factors.

For one, the feedback from house show loops headlined by Hogan versus Flair was not as positive as one would have hoped.

Second, Hogan was moving on to try his hand at Hollywood full-time. Due to this, it was rumored that a finish to the match could not be agreed upon because Vince McMahon didn't want Hogan to take an absence as WWF Champion, but also did not want a heel (Flair) to leave Mania with the belt.

Due to these creative and logistical issues, plans changed to Flair versus Savage instead, with Macho Man winning the title.

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