What is the most expensive thing The Rock has spent millions from his net worth on?
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is synonymous with Hollywood and pro wrestling. He was one of the biggest WWE stars in his prime. In 2002, he embarked on a pursuit that changed his entire life. Over the last two decades, Johnson has become a celebrity with an incomparable larger-than-life presence.
The Rock's films have made more than 5 billion USD at the box office. Some of his highest-grossing hits include The Fast and The Furious and Jumanji franchises. One of his more recent movies, Black Adam, released in October, also drew well. These facts and figures are a testament to how big of a mega-star he has become.
Given his sky-rocketing acting career, The Brahma Bull has amassed a considerable fortune with an unthinkable net worth. The Rock topped Forbes' list of highest-paid actors of 2022 with a whopping estimated annual salary of 270 million USD.
According to Celebrity Net Worth, Rocky's figure stands at 800 million USD, meaning that he is on the cusp of reaching a total worth of a billion dollars. The aforementioned blockbuster movies combined with his innovative entrepreneurial ventures have helped him to this unbelievable position.
However, the real question is, where does all of his money go? The Rock uses a significant chunk of his earnings to maintain his rigorous and lavish lifestyle and physical well-being. He spends more than 15,000 dollars on food to finance his high-caloric intake.
But, onto the million-dollar question of the article, what is the most expensive thing The Rock has bought? He paid an inconceivable sum for his private jet, which he boldly proclaimed the fastest in the world.
The Rock spent a reported 65 million dollars on his private jet from his net worth
Although it was later discovered that his plane was not the fastest in the world, that didn't stop him from purchasing the Gulfstream G650, which has an estimated value of 65 million dollars. Considering his income and net worth, this was a suitable purchase for The Brahma Bull.
It must be noted that he may have rented the plane, but considering the frequency and desire with which he uses it and the knowledge that his family is on board, it is more likely that he bought the jet. Either way, the motives for purchasing the state-of-the-art jet, powered by Rolls Royce engines, are clear.
The Rock is a busy man with an insane traveling schedule. Hitting the road is often not an option, and he spends much time in the air. Therefore, it makes sense for him to have his plane, saving him much time and effort. The speedy ride allows him to fulfill his commitments much more efficiently.
Dwayne Johnson joins an elite list of celebrities and entrepreneurs in owning the plane. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos also own the Gulfstream G650, putting Rocky on the same levels as the titans of the business industry,