What happened 25 years ago today: Reflecting on monumental match that modified WWE legends' careers
The Undertaker and Mankind (aka Mick Foley) are two legends that WWE should always be grateful to. At King of the Ring in 1998, Taker and Foley faced each other in a Hell in a Cell match that would set the tone for all future bouts to take place in the foreboding structure.
While this match was won by The Undertaker, fans mainly remember it for the two iconic falls of Foley. For the first fall, Taker threw Mick Foley from the top of the cell, and the latter crashed through the announcer's table. However, he did not give up and continued performing.
Once again, Mankind and Taker climbed to the top of the cell, and this time The Deadman choke-slammed Foley through the roof of the structure. In one of the scariest falls in WWE history, Mick crashed down into the ring and was hit by a falling steel chair, knocking him out.
On the 25th anniversary of the infamous match, Mick Foley recalled his struggle with The Undertaker and wrote about it on Twitter.
"Hi, it’s Mick, and it’s 12:01am EST - time to celebrate the 25th anniversary of my #HIAC match with @Undertaker. Thank you Taker, for making history with me - and thanks to all of you who have made room in your memories for that historic night!"
Check out WWE Legend Mick Foley's tweet below:
While wrestling fans will celebrate 25 years of this iconic match, it somehow feels as if this event took place yesterday. After the match took place in 1998, both Undertaker and Mick Foley received a lot of critical acclaim from fans and some of the biggest names in wrestling.
WWE legend Undertaker thought Mankind was possibly dead after choke-slamming him
There is no doubt that the match between Undertaker and Mick Foley was indeed historic. However, one can't deny that along with being historic, the match was also scary. While it was frightening to view, one could only imagine how The Undertaker felt after throwing Foley from the roof – not once, but twice.
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the match, Taker and Foley sat together to watch their bout. While watching the moment where The Phenom choke-slammed Mick Foley through the top of the cell, Undertaker revealed what he felt, saying:
"Not to be overdramatic. And I've said this in interviews. As I was standing up there before, I didn't know whether you [Mankind] were still with us or not. 'Cause that was... I've seen a lot of things in our wrestling business, before and since. But I've never been that scared in my life."
Check out WWE legends Undertaker and Mick Foley watching their iconic match:
Despite taking severe falls that night, Foley continued to wrestle and ended the match. Taker finished the match by performing his iconic finisher, the Tombstone Piledriver, after which he went on to pin Foley.
While many iconic Hell in a Cell matches have taken place in WWE since then, none have been able to top this one.