
WWE News: What happened after Raw went off the air?

Randy Orton is expected to start a feud with Bray Wyatt soon

WWE continued the build-up for SummerSlam on this week's episode of Monday Night Raw which had some intense segments such as the one involving Seth Rollins and former NXT champion Finn Balor, and some high caliber matches such as the Club vs Tag Team Champions The New Day.

The main event of tonight's show saw former United States champion Cesaro claiming and getting a US title shot against the current champion Rusev which he couldn't cash in due to a distraction from the Celtic Warrior Sheamus.

Although the show ended on a positive note with Roman Reigns spearing The United States Champion Rusev promising a physical match between the two at SummerSlam, however, for the fans in attendance, it wasn't the last action packed event they witnessed during the night. For two weeks in a row now, WWE used the stars from the SmackDown roster to deliver a dark main event following the Live TV telecast of their Flagship show Monday Night Raw.

Last week WWE used 3 of SmackDown's top superstars to deliver a high caliber dark main event which saw John Cena teaming up with WWE World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Their team faced off against the alliance of AJ Styles, Seth Rollins, and Kevin Owens. The main event saw the faces getting over and defeating the heels to send the crowd home happily.

As reported by WrestlingInc, WWE once again delivered a PPV caliber main event after Raw went off-air this week which saw The Viper Randy Orton going one on one against the Face of Fear Bray Wyatt.

As reported, both men received huge pops from the crowd during their entrances and delivered a good but relatively short match which was about 10 minutes long.

This main event-worthy match was won by Randy when he reversed Bray Wyatt's attempt to perform his finishing maneuver Sister Abigail and turned it into an RKO of his own. Below is a photo of the match posted by WrestlingInc from their twitter account:

What's interesting to note here is that recent rumors suggest that WWE may go ahead with the feud of Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt as one of the two main feuds for SmackDown following SummerSlam.

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