
What if Bobby Lashley joins The Shield?

Bobby Lashley joining in The Shield would mean big changes for all parties involved.

Bobby Lashley made a big splash when he re-signed with WWE and made a surprise return on the Raw after WrestleMania 34. Unfortunately, he has felt like a square peg in a series of round holes ever since. WWE seems to see him as above talents like Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and thus he decimates them. At the same time, besides one victory over Roman Reigns, he has been locked out of the main event scene, thus occupying an awkward in-between space of a man WWE doesn’t seem to know what to do with.

So what if Lashley were to join The Shield?

Lashley isn’t necessarily the most natural fit for the group, as it has thrived on its original three members and already has its big man anchor in Reigns. Just the same, Lashley is a prominent face in need of direction, and particularly if someone gets hurt or someone turns on the group, but WWE still wants to keep the money-making faction together, Lashley could make sense as a pinch hitter. Moreover, his very presence could add drama to the group, and to the larger Raw landscape.

This article takes a look at five potential outcomes of Lashley joining The Shield.

#5 Braun Strowman and Brock Lesnar as allies?

Strowman and Lesnar
An expanded Shield might make for the rise of other strange bedfellows.

Braun Strowman turned heel and recruited Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre as allies to combat The Shield. It was a bit of a marriage of convenience, as Ziggler and McIntyre were already feuding with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, besides which they were the de facto next top full-time heels available for the angle.

Were Bobby Lashley to saddle up with The Shield, though, it stands to reason the heels would need even more support in hopes of taking them on. Braun Strowman and Brock Lesnar have each, individually, had their issues with Roman Reigns and been his biggest threats. Putting their differences aside to crush The Hounds of Justice would both make logical enough sense and create a dream scenario of two absolutely dominant monsters tearing through the competition.

Sure, they’d splinter in the end, but as a two man unit, or perhaps backed by McIntyre or Ziggler, or recruiting someone like Lars Sullivan to round out their unit, they could pose quite the imposing team.

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