
What may come next for these WWE Superstars after TLC 2019

Roman Reigns and Baron Corbin brawled to end TLC 2019
Roman Reigns and Baron Corbin brawled to end TLC 2019

The final PPV of the decade, TLC 2019, is now in the history books. Even though WWE made small mistakes during the show, some matches on the card were brilliant. However, it's now time to move on as we set our sights squarely on Royal Rumble 2020 - the event which officially kicks off The Road to WrestleMania 36.

We saw some feuds end at TLC 2019. However, WWE extended a few other feuds, as the Universal Championship feud between Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan is here to stay for a good while, while WWE has no intention to put an end to the rivalry between Rusev and Lana (with Bobby Lashley).

In this article, we'll take a look at a few Superstars and analyze what's next for them after TLC 2019.

The Revival (Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson)

New Day retained their titles at TLC 2019
New Day retained their titles at TLC 2019

Being in the WWE tag division is a tough task. If you aren't competing for the tag team titles, you are most likely not given any screen time at all. This has happened to most of the popular tag teams in WWE.

For example, the Authors of Pain just came back to WWE TV after a long hiatus. Does anyone even remember the Colons? Although Primo Colon was suspended recently, most WWE fans weren't aware that the Superstar was still signed to the company.

The Revival may follow the same path, however, during the TLC encounter between Roman Reigns and King Corbin, we saw Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder making a save for Corbin. The Revival and the New Day were involved in a brawl that also involved Reigns and Corbin, therefore we could see the feud between The Revival and New Day for a bit longer

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