
Opinion: What needs to happen at the beginning of SmackDown Live next week

Kofi Kingston after finding out he would have to face one more obstacle
Kofi Kingston after finding out he would have to face one more obstacle

Something needs to change.

If you are reading this article I'm sure you've watched this week's SmackDown Live. If you haven't let me catch you up; Kofi Kingston had his gauntlet match which, if he won, would give him a title shot for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania. He was able to overcome all the odds, including a chair attack by Rowan and a post-loss Coquina Clutch in the ropes by Samoa Joe.

So this means he won his opportunity and he can focus on WrestleMania for the next couple of weeks, right? WRONG.

After he pinned Randy Orton (which would have made the moment even bigger considering their history) and the rest of New Day came out to celebrate the moment with him, Vince McMahon came out to ruin the party.

He proceeds to give Kofi one last opponent; Daniel Bryan. In spite of a valiant effort Kofi was not able to pull off the ultimate upset and win and Smackdown went off the air with Bryan standing tall.

While yes this is the story they are building, Kofi overcoming all of the obstacles thrown at him, they cannot do with this what they did with the women's feud and overbook it and thus cool off Kofi in the process. They only have two more weeks of TV to build whatever they are trying to with this and this should have been the moment that Kofi got his title shot so they had a few weeks to build to the title match, but they didn't so.

This is what needs to happen next week in order to salvage this and not make it any more convoluted than it already is. New Day needs to kick off SmackDown Live in a more aggressive Daniel Bryan Occupy Raw style. Have the three of them in the center of the ring, maybe with a few other wrestlers in the ring with them who are on their side such as AJ Styles, Mustafa Ali and Kevin Owens. Have them stand there and say they are taking over SmackDown and they will not leave the ring until Kofi gets what he deserves.

You can then have Vince come out and either get mad and try to force them out of the ring or have him try to give Kofi another "opportunity". Either way it turns out, whether they force Vince to concede and give Kofi the title shot or he tries to create another match it still works. If they go with the latter and have Vince try to create another "opportunity" you could then have the New Day say "OK we accept but if you try to pull something again we'll just take over again." You could even have either Big E or Xavier Woods attack Vince if it escalates to that point.

Some of you may say that this is out of The New Day's character, as they are about the power of positivity and going with the flow. But at some point there has to be a breaking point where enough is enough, and I would think that last night was that breaking point.

This is why this is the best, and really the only way to do this next week.

First it's a throwback to the Occupy Raw movement that cemented Bryan's place in the title shot at 'Mania in 2014, which is very much what WWE is trying to build Kofi to be like, he is the new Daniel Bryan against the ironically named "New Daniel Bryan"

Secondly, it's a very simple but effective way of finishing this build in a way that still gives them some time to actually build the match between Bryan and Kofi.

Overall, this needs to be how SmackDown goes down next week if they don't want this feud to simmer like the women's feud has.

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