
When Vince McMahon detailed his "first homosexual experience" to WWE stars

In the mid-1990s, Dustin Rhodes left WCW to return to WWE. He adopted the gimmick of Goldust. One of Goldust's first feuds in the Stamford-based company after his comeback was with Razor Ramon (aka Scott Hall).

During an interview with YouShoot several years ago, Hall disclosed that McMahon wanted his feud with Goldust to turn into a homosexual angle. While Hall was resistant to the idea, The Chairman told him, in the presence of other superstars, about his "first homosexual experience."

"He goes, 'let me tell you about my first homosexual experience.' And I remember sitting, me and Kevin [Nash] both sitting in Vince's office at TV, and I looked at Kevin. My first thought was, 'As opposed to your most recent? Like you and Warrior on a bearskin rug?' Sorry, Vince," Hall said. [0:55 - 1:10]

Hall recalled the story McMahon told him, which happened in North Carolina.

"He was talking about when he was living in North Carolina, so he was hitchhiking one time. And I don't know anything about Vince's past but I'm thinking, 'hitchhiking from where, the pool to the country club?' Like, 'what?!' And he said some guy picked him up and was like rubbing his hand on his leg. And I'm thinking, 'okay, now you tell me what does this have to do with wrestling?'" Hall added. [1:15 - 1:33]
The segment ended with Razor Ramon throwing the toothpick at @VinceMcMahon's face.
#ScottHallForever #RIPScottHall #DidYouKnow https://t.co/YyRKYsuAlJ

Five WWE Superstars had uncomfortable experiences with Vince McMahon. Check out the list here.

Scott Hall had two WWE runs

In 1987 and 1990, Scott Hall had two WWE tryouts. However, he did not join the company. Hall competed in other promotions before officially joining the Stamford-based company in 1992, adopting the gimmick of Razor Ramon.

The Hall of Famer spent about four years as a regular competitor, during which he held the Intercontinental title four times. However, he left in 1996 to join WCW. In 2002, Hall returned to WWE after WCW went out of business. Nevertheless, his second run lasted only a few months.

Hall was released from his contract in May of that same year. Over the next two decades, he made several sporadic appearances. The Hall of Famer sadly passed away in March 2022, aged 63.

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