Where is CM Punk's future with WWE headed?
The night after Wrestlemania, CM Punk and Paul Heyman entered the ring on Monday Night RAW to discuss Punk being on the losing end of “The Streak”, courtesy of The Undertaker. Before Punk could really reveal any thoughts or insight on the match, he told the crowd he was finished, dropped the mic and left the ring, with Paul Heyman scratching his head in confusion.
Currently, this is an angle about Punk quitting WWE, but there is some truth to what is seen on television. For those that don’t follow the backstage news, prior to Wrestlemania, Punk went to WWE officials and told them he was interested in quitting the company, citing frustration with seemingly a lack of faith on WWE creative’s part to continue pushing him after being so hot for a year, despite the fact that he was no longer champion. Also, he was reportedly not happy about facing Undertaker at Wrestlemania, not because of respect or work issues, but because he didn’t want to be part of “The Streak”, since losing to ‘Taker at Wrestlemania is all but guaranteed for anyone booked to face him at “The Granddaddy of ‘Em All”. Going even further, Punk expressed disappointment in WWE’s failure to push new stars, mentioning guys like current Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett and former US Champion Antonio Cesaro by name. Punk had reportedly told WWE he was quitting, but was talked into staying with the company, at least for a while longer.
Well, Punk does appear to be staying, although for how long remains to be seen. As of now, Punk is back on the booking schedule starting at the end of the month, with the May 27th RAW from Calgary, Alberta, Canada being his first date back on television. From there, Punk is scheduled for two more tapings in June, as well as both the Japan and Australia live event tours, keeping him busy until the end of July.
From there, it’s hard to say what is in the cards for the former 5-time WWE and World Champion. Even if things have been smoothed out between Punk and WWE to where he is ready to stay with the company, it’s hard to say for how long. Punk has said in several interviews that he is contemplating retirement in the not-too-distant future, seemingly looking to retire before hitting the age of 40. Although nothing is confirmed, Punk is a pretty honest guy who means what he says, so you can usually take the things he says at face value.
The next few months for fans of “The Best in the World” could be very interesting.