Who has it better - Mojo Rawley or Zack Ryder?

Alas, all good things come to an end. That timeless idiom holds water in sports entertainment as well after our resident Hype Bros, the team of Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder, saw their adrenaline-fueled fraternity tag team dismember over a Mojo Rawley heel turn a few weeks ago on Smackdown Live!
This abrupt, but arguably necessary, turn to the dark side for Mojo had us thinking, who has had the better career so far? We know the team has experienced some real success together over the years despite some struggles in recent times. And separately, each member of the Hype Bros has had some signature moments that would define and delineate any WWE career as a successful one.
But who has had it better?
Let’s look at some statistics that prove whether Mojo Rawley or Zack Ryder has had more success in a WWE ring.
# Win Percentage - Mojo Rawley

According to CageMatch.net, Mojo Rawley has a WWE career win percentage of 73.9%, having his hands raised 280 times out of a total of 379 matches. This is an incredibly high win percentage, topping even those of AJ Styles (61.0%), Randy Orton (71.3%) and Braun Strowman (46.1%).
Mojo’s win percentage also tops that of Zack Ryder, who through 1169 matches has had his hand raised 523 times for a grand total win percentage of 44.7%.
Together, the Hype Bros have a win percentage of 73.6%, slightly less than Mojo’s total win percentage and about 30 points higher than Zack Ryder’s win percentage. One could look at this statistic and say that Ryder was, in fact, holding Mojo down.