Why a New Day heel turn could benefit a Kofi Kingston main event runĀ

Unless you've resided under a rock the past two weeks, you'll know that Kofi Kingston's popularity has quickly risen by way of gutsy performances in a SmackDown Live gauntlet match and one that had him inches from the WWE Championship in the Elimination Chamber.
Not even considered an original contender in the Chamber, Kingston defied the odds and now many fans call for a title run.
The perfect scenario would've been for Kingston to receive his shot at WrestleMania since he has the perfect underdog story to go up against the current "eco-friendly" heel Champion Daniel Bryan.
The irony in all this is that just a few years back, it was Bryan who was in Kingston's position. That's what would make it a great Mania-based rivalry and we already have a base to start from - the conclusion of the Chamber match where it seemed like they'd fight forever with the belt up for grabs.
However, with rumors of the returning Kevin Owens to get that Mania title shot against Bryan, Creative has found a way to appease Kingston's newest fans and that was the main event slot at FastLane, where he'll get his chance at gold. Odds are though that Kingston will simply be "challenger of the month" and lose until Owens shows up, something can be done to help Kingston solidify his new status.
It's admittedly hard to take Kingston seriously while he is still associated with The New Day, the trio with whom he has achieved tag team and merchandise success. Their original heel turn was forced because of fan backlash to a "positivity" gimmick, to which their reply was to be obnoxious with it. That was the smart route.
Their comedy quickly got the fans on their side and after all the titles, pancakes, ice cream and Booty-O's, what else is left for New Day to accomplish? With Kingston's newfound fame, this would be a golden time to have Xavier Woods/Big E turn heel out of jealousy. Perhaps they could even cost Kingston the title by interfering at FastLane to set up a Mania program?
Kingston already has the fans on his side and this would only get him more support. This would also freshen up New Day's gimmick, albeit with the sacrifice of merchandise sales, but they could have Woods/Big E go back to their obnoxious heel ways a la 2015.
Creative has appeared to flirt with the idea, even as recent as this past week's SmackDown where Kingston laid it on a little thick in a backstage segment about how much he loved his partners, more so than usual. That just gives us the feeling a turn is imminent and not a possibility.
Creative has had a history of squandering any main event momentum Kingston gains, so to keep things hot, this will be a great way to maintain his hot streak. He also has years of history with Big E and Woods, so it can have a personal edge as well.
Who knows - down the line, they can always go back to being the old, quirky New Day. A reunion would be great for television, as we've seen with The Shield. This is their one chance while the iron is hot on Kingston to strike with this idea and it would benefit all involved.
Kingston has worked hard to achieve his success and has a story tailor-made for Mania. Let's see it through.