
Why Batista should stay back in the WWE even after WrestleMania 35

Batista is one of WWE's biggest imports to Hollywood
Batista is one of WWE's biggest imports to Hollywood

This past week on RAW, Batista made his much-awaited return to the WWE. The Animal crashed Ric Flair's 70th birthday party and attacked the Nature Boy whilst also sending a message to his Evolution stablemate, Triple H, presumably to set up a match between the two at WrestleMania 35. Ever since leaving the company following his failed main-event run in 2014, Batista has been quite critical of WWE management. The Animal was heavily frustrated with the creative direction of his character which ultimately led to his departure just a few months later.

Batista has gone on to achieve massive success in Hollywood and is a part of the biggest movie franchise in the world, the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He gained worldwide acclaim for his role of Drax the Destroyer in Guardians of the Galaxy and is set to reprise this role in the most-awaited movie of 2019, Avengers: Endgame, which releases two weeks after WrestleMania 35.

WWE craves for the mainstream attention and Batista's return couldn't have come at a better time for the company. The Animal's inclusion on the red brand is excepted to bolster the show's dwindling TV ratings and bring in more eyes to the product, given Batista's massive mainstream popularity.

His match against The Game at WrestleMania 35 will undoubtedly be one of the biggest matches of the night. Batista has stated in various interviews (prior to his return) that he would return to the company for one last run to face off against the Ceberal Assasin.

Many believe that Batista is looking to wind up his wrestling career and his match against Hunter could be his last match in the company. But, we think that Animal should continue his run past WrestleMania.

Even at 50 years of age, the Animal looks to be in great shape and can give any young superstar a run for their money. Besides, it would be highly anti-climatic to see him call it quits after the probable match against HHH as both of them are the early 50s and have already faced off on The Grandest Stage before. 

There are a plethora of dream matches for the Animal in the WWE and we hope to see him stick with the company following WrestleMania 35. Fans would see Batista face off against the likes of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, Brock Lesnar among other names and we think that the Hollywood megastar shouldn't deprive his fans of these matches. 

Batista has always been someone who is really giving inside the ring. He has always worked hard to make his opponents look good and many of his peers have attested to the Animal's selfless behavior. Rather than putting over an aged superstar like Triple H on his way out of the company, the Animal should put over a young Superstar in his final match and this is precisely why we think that he should stick with the WWE following WrestleMania 35.

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